Interpreter of Maladies

210 Cloudview Dr Austin,Tx, 78745   August 17th 2018   Pulitzer Prize Judging Board 2018 The Pulitzer Prizes Columbia University, 709 Pulitzer Hall, 2950 Broadway, New York, NY 10027     Dear Pulitzer Prize Judging Board,   Unique was the adjective that described perfectly each family and each story but somehow they all connected.... Continue Reading →

HeLa- Nicole B.

The fifth chapter of Rigor Mortis by Richard Harris called Trusting the Untrustworthy talks about the creation of HeLa. HeLa is a immortal cell line that kept dividing and proliferating indefinitely. It all started in 1994, when Nina Desai and her colleagues announced the creation of a new tool that produced test-tube babies. They describe... Continue Reading →

Why rats?- Nicole B.

In chapter four of Rigor Mortis the main point of it was how mice have mislead scientist. As the book says “ One reason everybody uses mice: because everybody else uses mice.” Every scientist uses mice and sometimes whatever drug is being tested on them doesn't always go as planned is probably trying to say... Continue Reading →

Chapter 1- Nicole B.

In my opinion of the most important factors of being a scientist or a doctor is having your audience or your patients trust. This way they won't question what you're doing or your capability to accomplish something. Definitely my point of view has changed after reading chapter one of Rigor Mortis by Richard Harris. What... Continue Reading →

Introduction- Nicole B.

Hello, my name is Nicole B. and this school year I hope to learn how medication as and will improve as time progresses. Also I hope to learn more about the way bacteria impacts the process of an experiment and the outcome, as well as if bacteria will advance faster than inventions made by scientist.... Continue Reading →

Lets Take Tissue Samples!

In chapter nine: The Challenge of Precision Medicine, a pathologist at Massachusetts General Hospital named Carolyn Compton dealt with the removal of a colon. During this process, they discovered  that tissue collection and preservation show some trouble for the biomedical research. The anesthesia used in the operating room can affect them, and the molecules can... Continue Reading →

Are You Using HeLa?

While I was reading chapter 5: Trusting The Untrustworthy, a woman named Nina Desai and her colleagues created a new tool that is used to produce test-tube babies. They had planned to use this tool to be provided as growth factors for human embryos to help infertile couples conceive. She reported that the procedure treated... Continue Reading →

Are Doctors Wasting Resources?

In chapter one of Rigor Mortis by Richard Harris, I learned that scientists and there studies are not always right and what gets published is wrong. In Begley's paper, he says that scientist make mistakes and that their mistakes and errors are actually very common and many scientist don't even realize that they are making... Continue Reading →


Hello, my name is Mariana C. This year in my biomed class I hope to learn about different diseases and the effects that they have on the human body. I also hope to learn about cancer and different studies of it and learn how it develops in the body. I chose to be in the... Continue Reading →

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